Mount Grace Academy

Mount Grace Academy
Res Non Verba

Key information

Timings of the School Day: 

Earliest arrival of students * 08:15
Gates close 08:25
Morning registration 08:30
Period 1 09:00
Period 2 10:00
Break 11:00
Period 3 11:20
Period 4 12:20
Lunch 13:20
Period 5 14:00
End of school day for most students 15:00
Period 6 Interventions / Detentions ** 15:00 - 16:00

* students should avoid arriving on-site before 08:15, where possible, because staff are not present to supervise students until this time. The morning gate closes at 08.25 in order to give students enough time to get to their form room.
**  the majority of students will be dismissed at 15:00 unless they have received a detention, are involved in extra-curricular activities or are attending an intervention class, in which case they will stay until the official end of the school day which is 16:00.

Please note that our phone lines are manned from 08.00 to 15.30, daily. 


The link to the Uniform standard can be found below. Please note that there a limited number of pre-loved items available for sale, please contact for more details and pricing:

MGS Uniform Standard.pdf

Our Uniform Providers - Smarty Schoolwear

The link to the Equipment standard can be found here:

MGS Equipment Standard.pdf

 Free School Meals/PP

Pupil Premium Support Application formPupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-27

As at the new launch of the website we are updating our information. Please contact who will assist you. 

Home School Agreement

Home-School Agreement 24-25


Careers Map 2024-25


Link to Ofsted Reports


Catering Prices Spring Term

Jacket Potato Meal Deals

Pasta Meal Deals

Signature Meal Deals